日経BP社「日経コンピュータ 第18回 顧客満足度調査」の 「システム運用関連サービス(情報サービス会社)部門」で、2年連続1位を獲得

  • ニュースリリース



ユニアデックス株式会社(本社:東京都江東区、社長:入部 泰、以下 ユニアデックス)は、株式会社日経BP社(本社:東京都港区、社長:長田 公平)のIT系総合メディアである「日経コンピュータ」が企画する「第18回 顧客満足度調査」の「システム運用関連サービス(情報サービス会社)部門」で1位を獲得しました。ユニアデックスの本賞の受賞は、昨年度に続き2年連続となります。


日経コンピュータ 第18回顧客満足度調査


今回の受賞は、さまざまな機器で構成されるマルチベンダーシステムのトラブル案件に対し、コール受付から修理完了までをワンストップで迅速に応えるサービス姿勢が、昨年度に続き評価されたものと考えます。また、LOOK CUSTOMER、Be Prepaired!という2つの標語のもとに、お客さまの意向を最優先する姿勢やセキュリティーリスクに徹底的に配慮する姿勢が高く評価された結果、当社が最も提供したいと願う"おもてなしの心"が理解されたものと認識しています。





  • 記載の会社名、商品名は、各社の商標または登録商標です。

UNIADEX Gains First Place for Two Consecutive Years in Nikkei BP's "Nikkei Computer's 18th Customer Satisfaction Survey" in the Field of System Operation-Related Services (Information Service Providers)

UNIADEX, Ltd. (headquartered in Koto-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO Yasushi Iribe and a wholly owned subsidiary of Nihon Unisys, Ltd.) won first place in the Eighteenth Customer Satisfaction Survey conducted by Nikkei Computer, a comprehensive IT-related journal published by Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. (Nikkei BP). It received this accolade in the field of system operation-related services (information service providers). The company has won this high rating for two consecutive years.

System operation-related services (information service providers)

This award reflects the undiminished high regard customers have for our service policy continuing on from last year. This involves providing a one-stop service in an expeditious manner when dealing with problems that arise in any phase of operations. This begins with receiving reports of problems through to completing repairs in a multi-vendor environment made up of a wide range of devices. This high assessment was also due to our commitment to giving customer needs the highest priority and of paying the utmost attention to security risks, undertaken under the slogans of "Picture the customer" and "Be prepared." This reflects the high regard customers have for our "policy of hospitality" that we are committed to providing.

symbol image of Nikkei BP's 'Nikkei Computer's 18th Customer Satisfaction Survey' First place in the Eighteenth Customer Satisfaction Survey in the field of system operation-related services (information service providers), the August 22 issue of Nikkei Computer.

UNIADEX will expand its services by providing flawless support and logistical assistance in the field, and by strengthening its ability to foresee problems in systems that are constantly growing in complexity, and propose solutions.

Outline of the Seventeenth Customer Satisfaction Survey

This customer satisfaction survey examines computer user companies to find out their level of satisfaction with the systems integration and operation services provided by IT vendors, as well as with hardware/software products, such as servers and ERP packages.

The current survey was planned and organized by Nikkei Computer, a comprehensive IT-related journal published by Nikkei BP, and Nikkei BP ICT Innovation Research Institute, a think tank in the ICT field established by Nikkei BP in January 2013. The survey was conducted and complied by Nikkei BP Consulting. The survey questionnaires were sent by post to the information system divisions of 11,134 companies/organizations nationwide, representing companies listed on Japan's securities exchanges including those for emerging companies, unlisted enterprises with annual sales of 20 billion yen or more, government departments and other public agencies, and municipalities other than villages. The survey was undertaken from May 7 to June 12, 2013, and received 1,725 valid responses (valid responses as a percentage of total questionnaires sent out: 15.5%).